Monday, July 22, 2013


last but not least (definitely not least!) of my benelux excursion: amsterdam, the netherlands.  what is there to say about amsterdam?  EVERYTHING.  EVERYTHING IS TO SAY ABOUT AMTERDAM.

i loveloveLOVED amsterdam!  now, i did make friends straight away so maybe that makes me biased as they were quite spectacular and i really want to go visit some in scotland, but it was beautiful! the weather was just as bad here (except the last day - sun!) as all the others with rain and not quite warmth, but i loved this city.  the canals and the buildings - adorbs!

hostel: i stayed at the st. christopher's at the winston (a hostel).  this place was amazing!  it included towels, the rooms and ensuite bathroom were impeccably clean, and the attached restaurant gave us spectacular food and bev discounts and 2-for-1 deals.  if you are going to amsterdam, definitely stay here!  the atmosphere is lovely and great fun!

transport: i walked everywhere - again, there are trams, but unless you're going a fair distance, you can really walk anywhere.  walking also give you a better opportunity to take in the buildings and canals and awesomeness that is amsterdam!

food: i had most of my meals at our hostel - which were excellent - though we did hit up a chinese restaurant in china town (tasty) and a bagel shop for hangover cures one morning.

communication: more english speaking.  everyone.  all over.  englishenglishenglish.

sights: i did a canal tour - there are a bajillion different options with the same prices etc. - but i went with the "see amsterdam" company located next to the anne frank house.  i ended up being the only person on my cruise which made it more awesome as my driver turned off the automated voice that describes everything to give me better details about the city.  other than that, i walked around.  i wanted to go in the anne frank house but the line was legit over an hour wait.  ain't nobody got time for that!  after the cruise is when i befriended a canadian guy at my hostel who then introduced me to his 4 new scottish friends.  we went to a museum and got to see some cool van gogh paintings (like that yellow flower pot one and that smoking skeleton one).  mainly though, we just walked around - in and out of street markets, in and out of the red light district (which, btw, is a must see!), etc. etc.  such a beautiful city!!!

nightlife: spectacular!  my friends and i wandered to different places, but had an excellent time!  lots of dancing and drinking (obv).  i was there on a thursday and a friday, but i feel like amsterdam probably has a great scene other nights, too.  one night was more chill and we even got to chat with some locals who were really nice and friendly!  


cool houses + house boat

my new friends!

also my new friends!


street market




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