Sunday, September 30, 2012

lots of things

lots/not a lot going on this weekend that i shall enlighten you with.

yesterday was our active freshers' fayre - basically, (nearly) all of the sports clubs held session at the sports park so that everyone could come have a go at ones that they might be interested in joining.  it was a little less of a mob scene than friday, but still quite hectic.  there was a horde of people waiting to get gym memberships but i got to jump the queue and join at the front desk because i pulled the "i have an american credit card, will it work?" line.  heh.

i also got a free t-shirt.  winning.

at active freshers', i tried out trampolining (lots of fun!) and - wait for it - cheerleading.

as this is a recent blog many of my avid readers (lol) might now know my life story, but to give you a little snapshot, i was a cheerleader for all four years in high school including a brief year on a competitive squad.  i also have done gymnastics (mainly tumbling) on and off all my life.  although trampoline was a lot of fun to try, i really want to have a go at cheerleading again.  there are tryouts for the competition team at the end of the month - so fingers crossed i make it!

today i did a lot of sitting around in epic soreness from yesterday.  netflix and i are bffs, nbd.  then i made enchiladas which was a great success!  yum yum.  mixed beans were tasty but i still miss my black beans.

i should really get to assessing what project i would like to work on.


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